Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Allot of great stuff last Monday!

I don't know where to start. Of the most memorable and favorite; Gorrilla, Dickerdoodles, Whiteboard Comic Strip, Stop Motion, and if anyone knows Tobias from Arrested Development... "I Just Blue Myself!" And the rest were great as well! Damn you course evaluations!


Mein Forschungsprojekt war auf der bauhaus Bewegung, die hat stattgefunden in den frühen Neunzehn Hunderten und fortsetzt heute. Eine Kombination von allen Künsten belegt besonders mit einer Geldstrafekünste und hat Künste wurden definiert als verwandt „Das Gebäude von der Zukunft“. In den späten zwanziger Jahren hat die Bewegung Auftauchentechnologien und eingetragene Industrie in ihre Entwürfestandards berücksichtigt. Mit diesem Schritt nach Zweckmäßigkeit in Entwurf ist die Devise „Kunst und Technologie - eine neue Einigkeit“ gekommen. Diese gleichen grundlegenden Entwürfehauptpersonen sind mit uns heute geblieben und programmiert sogar hier in unseren neuen Medien können gefunden werden. Dies ist eine Bewegung, die anschaut über hinaus welches ein sieht, oder etwas seitwärts zu sehen, und geht über hinaus die durchschnittlichen Normen.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Where's all the food?

Having lived in the middle of nowhere and having to drive through miles of farm land to get anywhere I say to hell with it. I want to dive to work and pass gas stations and wal-marts, housing additions and apartment projects. Why in the world do we need these tiny little 2-5 hundred acre farms taking up valuable real estate. They've already came up with a solution to the food problem, if we use the right combination of chemicals we can grow our food in more abundance in a smaller plot of land. Why else did we let these corporate farming operations buy up the independent farmer? The corporation can provide us with food cheaper than the farmer can and it isn't my fault these stupid farmers can't keep up with the times. Boo Hoo, I lost the farm my grand pappy bought back in the twenties from some other stupid farmer that couldn't hack it. This is 2008, get with the times!
I hope you all can understand sarcasm because the way the corporations and us as consumers have treated the ones that provide our food is f*ck*d!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Why do japanamation characters look like Caucasians? Aside from wondering this I thought the movie was very well done. I agree that it would have taken on a totally different feel if it were live action. I found it interesting that it was taken from the perspective of the Japanese. So many war movies of that time show the poor German and Polish Jews, the poor Hawaiians. Although the Japanese (government) did allot of horrific things as well did the Americans, many people tend to loose sight that not everyone in a particular country supports their governments decision. If you look at our relations today with other counties, it is evident that allot of people still think we are all at fault for our counties wrong doing. I myself always try to find the good in everyone.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Waffle Iron Jewelry Boxes

I thought some pictures might illustrate what I saw on my gallery visit. You can view more at http://www.mevansdesign.com

I love the idea of turning junk into something really nice. The objects themselves have a great design but if you have an old broken waffle iron or cigarette machine what do you do. Recycling design.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

WHAT?!?! (inspires me)

When I first thought about this assignment I kept trying to think of what inspired me without thinking about what I needed inspiration for. I take my greatest amount of inspiration (next to life inspiration) from things in my own medium. This is photography and video. I am constantly looking at other people's work to inspire me whether its good or bad. I most generally find inspiration in what many may consider nonsense, some consider art, and some consider innovation. Any way, here are some videos I keep in my favorites that usually help when I'm having brain lock. Enjoy... or don't, doesn't really matter to me either way.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New media parades and pants canons

I was quietly sitting outside minding my own business when it happened, for some inexplicable reason, around the corner of West and Michigan came what appeared a pirate ship. As I saw it coming I could see other objects following, an elephant, unclothed something or anothers, what looked like a green screen of giant cats destroying the city. As the pirate came further down he street I saw a glimpse of something shiny spit forth from it's hand. I was only able to make out the words "Adobe" and "Suite" scribbled in black sharpie on a burnt DVD before it shattered against the wall behind me. Then that was when it happened, I saw people walking around with what appeared to be canons before I lost consciousness. When I awoke I found myself lying on the sidewalk with a pair of keyboard pants covering my face. Was this all a dream? No. Apparently it was the "New Media Parade", whatever "New Media" is.
Honestly my only contribution to this idea was a car with a theremin antenna, but apparently no one knew what a theremin was and no one seemed interested in learning. So... someone came up with the idea of a petting zoo and I was quick with the suggestion of a holographic petting zoo.
On my own brainstorming, I couldn't help but remember when Heron was over in the old building and they would have outdoor installations. I specifically remember an art car exhibit when there were about a half dozen or so cars in the front yard decorated by students. I always enjoyed seeing stuff like that and I think there should be more of it on campus. Perhaps a New Media art installation of a holographic petting zoo in front of the IT building.
Behold the Theremin