Sunday, September 14, 2008

Percistence of Time

time n 1: period during which something exists or continues or can be accomplished 2: point at which something happens 3: customary hour 4: age 5: tempo 6: moment, hour, day, or year as indicated by a clock or calender 7: one's experience during a particular period ~ vb timed; timing 1: arrange or set the time of 2: determine or record the time, duration, or rate of

The last time I had a class in our room was a history of jazz with the late Jack Gilfoy, who was also an amazing jazz drummer. I remember learning about "free jazz" where people like Ornette Coleman and Cecil Taylor would just play whatever with no regard for key or tempo.
I decided to match some music that had an odd timing to video that had something, anything to do with time. I found some banjo music that seemed all over the place and merged it with some old super 8 footage I took probably 8 or 9 years ago of armature stock car racing.
So... the music is old (recorded in 1959) and off tempo. The video uses old super 8 stock that was filmed several years ago. The video also contains events that occur in a point in time. Finally it took a long time to upload this video as it was 75megs. All in all this is just what came out of my head.

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