Friday, October 3, 2008

All touch... but no contact

Just the other night I saw a commercial for Kleenex and it was following some lady through her daily routine with all the things she touches, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch. It's odd how you can tune out feeling then tune into any specific aspect of it and there it is, like the protrusions of f & j on my keyboard, my armrest digging into my ribs, and my foot twisted underneath me. I'm not looking forward to winter for I have trouble tuning out the reoccurring ache in my shoulder.
On the same topic of feeling, it always makes me think of shape and texture of objects. Like the kids books that have little swatches as examples. I've had this object in my kitchen for a few months and can't seem to get rid of it till I photograph it because of the shape and texture. To get a full 306 view of it I've filmed it.

How I loath compression!

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